Jacinta Henderson


Best Dressed Competition 2022
Australia, WA
I fell in love with the beautiful, vibrant red Maticevski dress online but unfortunately it arrived four hours too late for me to wear to Ladies Day in Kalgoorlie. The dress consists of a full skirt which twirls when you turn. I chose to accessorise with a silver wire, metallic crown with gold and white flowers and red lace, a white bag with gold trim, red and black jewellery and red shoes. My outfit represented being a Queen for a day. As I am a busy Mum of four children and work full time, I don't get much time or opportunity to focus on myself.


Red Maticevski full skirt dress


Red shoes from Betts


A silver wire crown with gold and white leather flowers and red lace.


White with gold trim Olga Berg bag, red flower ring, black ring, red earrings
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Jacinta Henderson
Australia, WA