Helen Wilkinson


Millinery Competition 2022
Australia, NT
A creative in the arts, music and beauty industries over the past 35 years I’ve learnt to incorporate my artistic flair into all of my work. Growing up in Melbourne it was an annual family event to attend the races every Melbourne Cup day where I was in awe of the amazing fashion. My journey with Millinery begun 20 years ago when attending the Melbourne Cup Carnival as an adult from Derby day to Stakes day it became a passion spending the year styling my 4 outfits including creating my millinery. Of course the colours of Oaks day was always my favourite. Sharing my Millinery creations became a passion that started with creating for friends when it very soon after became a part time business. Millinery is my solitude, my relaxation, my stress, my obsession and my passion.






Helen Rose Millinery


Paspaley Pearls, Olga Berg

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Helen Wilkinson
Australia, NT